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Worldwide Pressure Injury Prevention Day

Unicare Health celebrates Worldwide Pressure Injury Prevention Day with 150 therapists and clinicians over pressure care education updates from the 2019 International Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Injuries.

Pressure Injury Management Seminar

Seminar: Pressure Injury Management – Raising the bar to deliver better pressure care outcomes
Thursday 21 Nov 2019
Technology Park Function Centre Bentley

On the week of 11 November 2019, our clinical educator and trainer, Annette Terranova, attended the launch of the 2019 International Clinical Practice Guideline for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Injuries at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

This two day event that focussed on pressure care education was hosted by The European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), and the Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPIAP).

The goal of this international collaboration was to develop evidence-based recommendations for the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries that could be used by health professionals throughout the world.

2019 International Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Injuries.

The guideline critically analyses and summarizes a large body of international research to develop evidence-based clinical recommendations. The International Guideline contains 114 evidence-based recommendations, 62 good practice statements and 20 quality indicators, to facilitate translation of guideline evidence into clinical practice and improve care outcomes for individuals across all health settings.

Learn more about the 2019 International Clinical Practice Guideline for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Injuries.

2019 International Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Injuries

Annette benefitted tremendously from the presentations at the launch and shared her new learning with 150 West Australian therapists and clinicians on Worldwide Pressure Injury Prevention Day.

Pressure Injury Management Seminar

In her presentation, Annette talked about evidence-based recommendations for the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries and discussed risk factors associated with the development of pressure injuries in different settings.

She also stressed on the importance of selecting the right support surfaces for specific needs and evaluated different repositioning and mobilization techniques.

Click here to view our range of pressure care products such as Jay Cushions, Care of Sweden mattresses and Askle Positioning Cushions.

Pressure Injury Management Seminar

Annette enjoyed a highly engaging time with her audience, sharing her experience with real pressure injury cases that she has been called to assist with by her therapist fans in the room and letting them into eye-opening situations she’s personally dealt with in her course of work.

As a clinical educator with Unicare Health, Annette has assisted hundreds of therapists with education in pressure injury management and prescribing the optimal equipment solution for different pressure care needs.

Pressure Injury Management Seminar

Annette encouraged the audience to be intelligent about pressure care equipment and taught therapists what features and technologies to look for when prescribing pressure care products for clients with specific needs.

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Thank you


Unicare Health would like to thank the 150 therapists and clinicians who attended our seminar for taking time off work to spend Worldwide Pressure Injury Prevention Day with us.

As industry leaders, we are thrilled by the awesome feedback received from participants at this educational event and glad for the opportunity to lead the way in sharing new methods of pressure care from the 2019 international guidelines.

We trust that our teachings will help make a significant difference in the way pressure injury management is addressed to achieve long term positive outcomes.

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    Posted on 28 November 2019